10 November 2011

SO Behind

So... Sorry I haven't updated in over a month? I'd love to have a legitimate reason or at least a semi-snarky way to deflect the fact that I've been completely negligent.... But no.


Anyways, the good news is I'm back in business.

Let's start with a health update. I am now fully recovered from what I am calling the Tony Plague (a close relative of the Schneck Plague and the Viv Gaddis Flu).

Remember how he sneezed in my face? Turns out that kid is an extremely efficient transmitter of pathogens because I was not super far from death's door.

Also, in related news, I have a new best friend: the neti pot.

Sorry to be gross, but it's true.

This nasty disease of course coincided with me running out of asthma medication. If you were wondering, viruses and asthma do not mix.

SO. I go to the doctor with one of my coworkers, a Korean man who is supposed to act as a sort of translator. An issue with the medication comes up and the translation gets really weird, so it ends up that we call another -bilingual- coworker and passing the phone between me and the doctor.

Since I'm out of my medicine and have a ridiculous head/chest cold, I basically can't breathe at ALL so they hook me up to this crazy albuterol vaporizer next to a zitty 13-year-old boy playing on his gameboy.

Nothing makes you feel cooler than asthma.... Whomp whomp.

Anyways, the albuterol's side effect is shaking hands. But when you basically mainline the stuff for 15 minutes like I did, I looked like I had Parkinson's. Struggle. And of course I had to teach another class right after that.

Of course.

So the next day, I go into class and am just coughing up a storm. One of the girls gets a really concerned look on her face and says, "TEACHA! Are you going to die?"

Uh... what?

She goes on to explain, "My grandfather, he cough like you, and he cough and sick and cough and you too cough and sick and he die! Teacha die too?!"


Then I had to deal with 7 terrified kindergarteners AND the cough.

Thanks, Tony. Thanks.

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